Monday, January 26, 2015

Reflections of Ministry and Travel, Part II

In reflecting over our work and travels, the students shared their thoughts regarding the following questions:

1) What did you enjoy the most?
2) Fun/funny memories                            
3) What surprised you the most?
4) What message did the Lord leave in your heart...?
5) Would you recommend this trip?  Why?

Nicole Terrell--
On her first trip to Costa Rica (but not her first missions trip), Nicole shared that the thing that she enjoyed the most was getting to know the people--both the missionaries and the Ticos with whom we worked.

One thing that surprised Nicole was the food. "My goodness," she says. "I wasn't expecting it, but rice, beans, lettuce, chicken, and sour cream really grows on you."  Speaking of food, one of Nicole's funniest memories was when Lauren had taken Benadryl for her scorpion bites. She just sat dazed, staring into her cup at lunch with the most funny considering-her-food look on her face. (In actuality, Lauren was focused on removing a leaf from said cup.)

Nicole shares that God left in her heart the distinct message that this type of ministry is what she is meant to do in the future. Nicole also shares that she would definitely recommend this trip to other students. "It was an amazing opportunity to learn and grow with others--about yourself and about life"

Rachel Graver--
Returning as the three-year veteran of the group, Rachel enjoyed creating new friendships and seeing the friends whom she had met in the past. She also enjoyed being able to sit down and share the gospel with Ticos while speaking in Spanish. Being able to do this, she says was a "complete eye opener to show me that anything you set your heart out to do you can do it with God."  Rachel also shared that friendships and fellowship with the Master's team was super encouraging.

Rachel's biggest surprise during this mission trip was that she was actually able to talk the majority of the time in Spanish. She was also surprised at how well she got to know everyone on the trip.  As much as she loved the trip and ministry, Rachel shared that the biggest impression from the Lord came with the realization that "I don't have to be in Costa Rica to share the love of Christ. I need to constantly be living for the cause of Christ."

On the fun side of life, Rachel's most fun memory was when she and Gabriel would each eat so much food, they would get "food babies." Rachel's most spectacular feat came when she finished off 32 oz. of guanabana smoothie along with three huge pieces of pizza.

Rachel recommends this ministry trip to other students because it not only is an eye opener for one's own life, but also a person gets to see how God works in the lives of others and even transforms them.

Lauren Mitchell--
For Lauren, the most enjoyable part of this trip came through relationships. "It was great reacquainting with some familiar faces and meeting new people, too," she shares. The Lord showed Lauren on this trip that she can make a difference and that her life can affect the lives of others.  "I shared my testimony one day in front of everyone," she says, "and afterwards one of the older Ticos, Diego, came to me and said that my testimony really impacted his life. Even if you think you cannot make a difference, if you follow through with what is pleasing to God, He will prove you wrong."

Lauren's funniest memory occurred at one of the churches after all activities were finished. The host missionary LaMar was making a video outside the front  to show possible projects to a state-side church who wanted to come down and do construction work on it. While LaMar was being video taped, Mrs. Reilly and Lauren were caught just standing in the window behind LaMar.  Not LaMar, nor Mrs. Reilly, nor Lauren realized that the two standing inside at the window were very, very visible. There the two of them stood like frozen ghosts in the window as LaMar waved his arms to indicate to his audience various needed projects.

A not-so-funny memory for Lauren--but what distinctly became her most surprising memory--happened one morning when she pulled on her khaki shorts. She reached inside the cuff, and suddenly felt a horrible sting on her finger.  In her words:  "I screamed and I ran into my room trying to get my shorts off and then got stung on my upper inner thigh"  Lauren threw off the offending shorts, and for the next several hours, several of the team, including leaders, searched through, shook out, and repacked every single item in the girls' room.  We could not find the scorpion, but all signs and symptoms indicated a scorpion attack. So we packed up and went to our next location. At the next hotel, Lauren pulled out her blanket from her suitcase (a blanket that Mrs. Reilly had shaken out earlier), shook it out, and the "little devil" fell onto Lauren's foot. Lauren shares, "I thought it was a blanket fuzzy, but still I kicked it off my foot.  Then I heard and saw Mrs. Reilly stomp on the ground and drag her foot! She said, 'I got it!' Then we flushed him about twelve times." (Editor's/flusher's note:  actually only three times.)

Lauren says that she would highly recommend this trip to others. "It's an amazing opportunity to share Christ with others. You grow unforgettable relationships while growing closer to God! You will learn so much on this trip and it may change your life. Overall it's an amazing experience. I would recommend that no one pass it up."

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