1) What did you enjoy the most? 4) What message did the Lord leave in your heart...?
2) Fun/funny memories 5) Would you recommend this trip? Why?
3) What surprised you the most?
Taylor Meade--
I enjoyed making so many new relationships with the Ticos in Costa Rica. I also liked being so involved with personally sharing the gospel using the bead bracelets and sharing my testimony with these new friends. It really surprised me how many relationships I made.
One funny memory from our rest day when LaMar went down a pool slide head first on his stomach. He flew over the water like a skipping rock and went double the distance that people normally go.
The Lord left in my heart the message that I need to put people in my life who will build my relationship with Christ. I also learned that building relationships is really important without technology, and making disciples should be one of the mst important things in my life.
I recommend this ministry trip offered by XCS because it gives one a different view of the world and gets us out of our comfort zones. Interacting with people one doesn't know and sharing the gospel in a new atmosphere is eye opening
There were so many memories, too many to count. One occurred right off as we traveled to Costa Rica. Looking down below me, I made the remark, "I can see the ground. It's underneath us." I also thought it was funny in Tronodora when all the boys were attacking us and trying to get us on the ground was funny to watch.
I enjoyed dancing and playing with the kids. Also, I enjoyed talking with the kids who we met last year and listening to the memories they had of us from the previous year.
What surprised me the most was how well the VBS's went when there were only a few of us to help. The other thing that surprised me was how well we bonded with the other team from Master's Academy in Florida.
The Lord taught me during this trip to be more kind, patient, and caring towards others. He also put into my heart the urge to go and tell others about the trip and to share the gospel with others. Certainly if I can do it in Spanish, I can do it in English.
I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone interested because it is a wonderful experience with all the children and culture. It's also an excellent opportunity to learn more about God. After all, it is a "date."
(Miss Clements had taught the girls that the trip develops their relationships with God, just as a date develops a relationship between any two individuals.)
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