Sarah Young
A senior at Xenia Christian, Sarah would like to continue learning Spanish after high school. She hopes to go to Argentina this summer and perhaps stay for a year or two, perhaps even attend college there.
Sarah’s interest in learning more about missions spurred her to take this short-term missions trip. She states, “I believe that God has called me to missions, but I do not yet know exactly what that will look like in my life. Through this short term trip and others like it, I hope to find out more about missions.” She also looks forward to God showing her specifically what He wants her to do and how to serve Him through missions.
To begin that education in missions, Sarah believes that God picked Costa Rica for her, and He has made everything work out for her to go on this ministry trip. Sarah expects that God will use her in Costa Rica not only in the lives of those to whom the team ministers, but also that He will work in her own life, showing her how to glorify Him with the way she lives.
Other interests of Sarah include crafts, reading, walking outside, talking with my friends, and baking.
Stephen Panosian
Another of the teacher-leaders, Steve Panosian currently attends Cedarville University as a freshman nursing student, with a minor in Spanish. He would like to be a nurse practitioner, and hopefully use that in long term medical missions.
A 2011 XCHS graduate, Stephen is also one of the veteran team members. “Last year,” he shares, “I loved the opportunity to serve God in another country. The people of Latin America are a pleasure to be around, and I had the opportunity to use my Spanish.” This positive experience inspired his return as a leader on this year’s trip.
Moreover, Stephen states, “I went to Costa Rica last year as a student. It helped me see a calling to missions later in life, and I significantly grew my relationship with Christ by developing my devotion to Him.” Stephen appreciates the people of Costa Rica, and he even hopes to serve there one day in the future.
Stephen also enjoys soccer. A lot. Beyond the age for high school or club soccer, he is involved in indoor soccer, college intramurals, and works as the assistant coach of Xenia Christian’s soccer team.
“God knows what's best for you, and He has a plan for your life. So whatever is going on in your life—however troubling or comforting, big or small—trust in God, He has your best in mind.
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