Miss Clements recalls, “I became the trip leader through a series of events that only the Lord could have orchestrated. I am generally a behind the scenes kind of person who enjoys serving and supporting, but the Lord wanted to grow and stretch me, which he has done by putting me in charge of this trip. I am so glad that God chose to use me to help young people experience missions.”
Beyond teaching and using the Spanish language, Miss Clements also enjoys reading, cooking, traveling, and participating in half marathons.
“When the Lord calls you to do something,” states Miss Clements, “trust that He knows what is best for you, and do it. Also trust that He will equip you to do whatever he calls you to do. I have found that he has called me to things that I would not naturally choose to do because in my weakness He is proved strong.”
The mother of one of the team members, our final teacher-leader on our Costa Rica missions trip was Tia Reilly. A second-year teacher at Xenia Christian High School, Tia has recently moved back with her family from serving overseas with the mission agency ABWE. They first worked in Paraguay, South America, and then most recently, in Costa Rica for four years. This opportunity to return to the ministry, culture, and language of “home” was also an opportunity to encourage young people in their current spiritual walk as well as a chance to share with them what life and ministry looks like outside of the United States.
While Costa Rica was an obvious choice for Tia, her goal has also been exactly that—getting to know the young people of the school where she teaches and encourage them in current and future ministries.
Tia has also participated in missions trips to Chile, South America. Retired Cedarville University professor Dr. Bev Monroe leads trips to English-speaking seminaries and Christian schools around the world in order to organize and digitally catalog their institute libraries. Tia has worked on three such projects with Dr. Monroe’s team.
Married to Kevin Reilly, the couple has four children and one grandchild. The youngest, Tara, is also on this team trip. Tia’s other interests include reading and writing, piano and choir ministries, photography, and mindfulness.
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