Monday, March 12, 2018

Day 1 A Test of Patience

Pics and videos will come later! The signal I am on is very weak but I wanted to put up a post to let all of you know that we are doing well but our schedule is not working out as planned. Be flexible is an attitude that Miss Clements impressed upon the team at every team meeting. Today has been a text book example of why we need to be flexible. Everything we had planned for today's ministry has fallen through and we are learning to be flexible while we determine what our next place of ministry will be. Our Bible study is from Acts 16 and teaches us through Paul and his apostle's own experiences of how to be flexible when God interfered in their plans. He sent them to Philipi instead of where they were trying to go, as a result they met Lydia and she accepted Christ as her savior. Right now we are headed to our Philipi, it happens to be the coast to see the beach. We are praying that we meet our very own Lydia while we are there.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for all of you! Phil. 4:6-7. Fred Harmon
