Monday, January 23, 2017

2017 CR Team Member Bios -- Part 2 of 5

Every year the XCHS/LCA Costa Rica ministry team brings another collection of servant hearts ready to share with others what they have learned in their walk with God.  In the upcoming blogposts, we will introduce to you the mosaic of hearts and souls enthusiastic to work together on this March mission.

Senior Rachel Sweeney joins our team this year because she wants “to serve others even if it is just for a short time.”  After graduating this year, Rachel plans to attend Cedarville University to study pharmacy and to run track and cross-country. Her hobbies include reading, science, and playing sports (particularly basketball, soccer, and running).

Rachel's 1000th shot
Rachel joined the Costa Rica mission team so that she could completely focus on blessing others. Costa Rica has interested her ever since studying the country in Spanish class.  “The nature is beautiful and the culture seems very vibrant and friendly,” she shares.

In that this is her first mission trip, Rachel looks forward to developing relationships with the children in Costa Rica as well as with her team members.  Furthermore, she looks forward to sharing the gospel and God’s love.

When asked what power she would like to have if she were a superhero, Rachel replied that she would want super speed, but she’s really not sure how that could help people—“unless there was a zombie apocalypse.”

Rachel wants our readers to remember that “nothing can separate us from the love of God.  He is the only Being who has unconditional and everlasting love for us.”  When burdens feel overwhelming, Rachel exhorts, “remember how much God loves you!”

Another senior on our team, Victoria Howarah developed interest in the Costa Rica trip through watching two of her sisters go on mission trips there. Victoria has had an ongoing interest in the Hispanic culture and she has a heart for the purpose of the mission.

Victoria wants to “spread God’s love in areas of need.” She looks forward to using God’s Word and the knowledge with which he has blessed her.  She wants to share with children, help out with the medical outreach clinics, and she wants to learn more Spanish and more about the Costa Rican culture.

Graduating this year, Victoria plans on attending college and majoring in applied mathematics.  Victoria’s hobbies include reading, playing soccer, and playing the piano.  As for a superhero power, she would appreciate “teleportation, because you can always get to where you are supposed to be.”

Victoria encourages each of us with the reminder that we should be smiling, and be happy.  “No matter the day you are having now, eventually it will get better and you will always have me or God to cheer you up.”

Junior Luke Neikirk, a veteran of our Costa Rica mission trip, loves serving with a family of believers – and especially outside of his comfort zone. Luke’s experience last year was amazing because of the ticos and leaders that he met in Costa Rica. He shares, “It is so humbling to work with Christians from a different culture because we realize how much we don't know about the people we are trying to reach.” Definitely a growing experience.

Other trips in which Luke has participated included two trips to Memphis, TN, in these past two summers. There the mission team worked to provide those in need a roof and the gospel. “Each time I go,” Luke says, “I become more thankful for everything I am blessed with. I am always amazed at the kindness and generosity of the people I meet--people who have almost nothing.” 

“Last year, I went to Costa Rica with Xenia Christian. My time away from the normal routine of school and home allowed God to challenge me to live out my faith. Distractions of homework and stress had kept me from making a decision each day to be bold in my faith, and my time serving in Costa Rica has reminded me to serve God with everything He has given me.”

On the trip coming up in March, Luke looks forward to working with his brothers and sisters in Christ. Luke is looking forward to getting to know and encouraging everyone of the 19 fellow-students on the team.  (Don’t forget your leaders, Luke! J )

Luke’s hobbies include anything outdoors:  hiking, camping, playing soccer, or just learning more about God's creation. Interested in the medical field, Luke invests some of his spare time in shadowing an ER nurse or riding along with a paramedic.

When asked what special skill he would desire if a superhero, Luke replied, “I would be known for the ability to communicate with every animal.” (In our next interview we will have to ask him why.)

“If I could encourage someone today,” Luke shares, “I would tell them that Jesus is coming back! We don't have an empty faith, and God will do all that He has promised. Live in a way that you would be encouraged to see God coming back. Serve each day with everything so that you may receive a crown of eternal glory!”

New to the Costa Rica team this year is junior Drew Brads. He joins the team because of an interest in being a “small part of God’s work in another country.” He desires to see how the church works in another culture, and to actually participate in that difference. “I'm especially excited for Costa Rica,” Drew shares, “because of the opportunity to learn more Spanish and to try to communicate more with native speakers. My sister Murrin went on this same trip a few years ago and has told me about the great opportunities to learn and grow through serving others, so I can't wait to follow in her footsteps.”

Drew’s family has involved itself in serving every summer (for about the last eight summers) with the Joni and Friends organization, specifically with their family retreats—camps for families affected by disabilities.  Through his participation in those trips, Drew has gained a new perspective on individuals and families who live with disabilities every day as well as a desire to serve such families in his community.

On this trip to Costa Rica, Drew looks forward to serving others through hard work. He also looks forward to experiencing a new culture and to interacting with Spanish-speakers.

Drew’s hobbies cover a wide-range of abilities and interests. In music, Drew plays the viola in the school orchestra. In sports, he enjoys basketball—both watching and playing—as well as running track. Drew also reads avidly. But above all other hobbies, Drew has invested the most in solving Rubik’s cubes. Having started at age nine, he has gained speed in completing the puzzle to the extent that he is able to participate in competitions even on the international level.  

“If I were a super hero,” Drew states all in good taste and love, “I wouldn't have any power.  Instead I would have some sweet technology paired with epic kung-fu skills to protect Legacy Christian Academy from the awakening of the Bragg.”  (There’s a back-story. 😊

Drew encourages all of us to “Remember that your value does not rest on the opinions of others. What really matters about you is that you are made in the image of God and He loves you.” 

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