Thursday, December 18, 2014

2015 Testimonial Bios

After her ministry trip last year to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, junior Bridgett Clough knew that she wanted to repeat the experience. "The kids are fun, and it is a good experience to help my groth in Christ.  I'm furthering the kingdom for God," she shared with Taylor Meade who interviewed her.  Bridgett is a junior at Xenia Christian High School and is sixteen years old.  She enjoys volleyball and knitting, and at school participates on the volleyball and tennis teams.  At her church, Bellbrook United Methodist Church, Bridgett is involved in the youth ministry and has helped with summer VBS programs and with the children's ministries on Sundays.  With her church, she attended a missions trip to minister in Chicago as well.

Bridgett's favorite foods include any and all fruits--"mostly everything," she states. She has one sibling--a brother Duncan who is in sixth grade; and the family has one pet, a dog, Sophie.

If she were to have a super power, Bridgett would want to fly! She needs to get to places more quickly. If she were to be a cereal, she thinks it would have to be Honey Bunches of Oats with extra clusters because clusters are the best part.

Seriously, in her future Bridgett looks to work with special charity causes and organizations.

The one new member on the Costa Rica team this year is junior Nicole Terrell.  While this is Nicole's first trip to Costa Rica, she has taken several others: twice with her church, Southgate Baptist, she has traveled to the Dominican Republic, as well as to seven different states for other mission work.

Nicole's interests include art, reading, horseback riding. At school, she participates in soccer, cheerleading, drama and musicals, and band. At church, Nicole helps with the children's ministry, and she also plays in the church band and sings in the youth group's praise team.
Nicole's family consists of her parents and three sisters, a cat, three toads, and a dog. Her favorite food is anything with cherries. If she were to have a super power, she would like to have the power to be a mermaid so that she could breathe and see under water. And if she were a cereal, it would have to be Captain Crunch.

Her reasons for coming along on the trip stems from the previous experiences and the desire to consistently be involved in missions. She believes that the Lord will have her work in the future as an oral surgeon with medical missions teams.

Our long-term veteran, Rachel Graver, is a senior at Xenia Christian this year and has participated in the Costa Rica and Nicaragua trips the previous two years. A valuable team player, Rachel shared that she desired to go again in that it is her last opportunity in high school to do so; her previous trips have been so special that she feels that she “belongs to Costa Rica.” She loves the country and she loves the kids!

Rachel attends Dayton Avenue Baptist Church. Her favorite food is strawberries and/or tacos. Her hobbies include soccer, art, fishing, and sports in general. She has been part of XCHS’s soccer team for all of her high school career. In the future, Rachel plans to attend Mount Vernon University where she hopes to play soccer and study graphic design. She hopes that the Lord will have in store for her many more missions trips in the future as well.

If she were to have a superpower, Rachel would want the power of transportation so she could travel instantly and disappear whenever she liked. If she were a cereal, she would be Fruity Pebbles, she told Lauren, who interviewed her.

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