Friday, December 19, 2014

2015 Team Bios Continued

Eighteen-year-old Taylor Meade is a senior at Xenia Christian High School and plans on studying graphic design and business in the future. As an avid volleyball player, she also hopes to coach volleyball one day.

This year marks Taylor's second ministry trip to Costa Rica. When she went last year, that was primarily in response to her older sister having gone previously. Taylor's own experience was life changing and provided growth personally and spiritually. This growth and these trips assist her in realizing God's plan for her life more fully, all to his glory. She has also taken ministry trips to work in Atlanta, Georgia. Another of her future goals, according to interviewer Nicole, is to be involved in serving communities near and far.

Taylor's interests include art and painting, cheer leading, volleyball, soccer, and basketball.  She has played for Xenia High School ten years in basketball and ten years in soccer.  She also plays beach volleyball, club volleyball, volleyball on her church team, and has been team captain for two years of the seven that she has played for Xenia Christian. In cheer, Taylor has participated three years, finishing this senior year as captain.

Beside sports, Taylor also involves herself as Vice President for the school's chapter of the National Honor Society. For church she is involved with the youth group and services at Xenia Nazarene. Her favorite food is salad and anything from Chipotle. Her family consists of Mom, Dad, and older sister and younger brother, and their dog Chloe, a mix of golden retriever, boxer, and bulldog.

When Nicole asked Taylor what type of cereal she would be if she were a cereal, Taylor replied, "Coco Puffs." If she were to have a super power, Taylor shared that she would like to be able to read minds; after compiling thoughts and knowledge from brilliant minds, like Bill Gates, she would be the smartest person in the world. (Sounds like she already is.)

Another of our veteran team members, Lauren Mitchell, is an 18-year-old senior at Xenia Christian. This is Lauren's second trip to Costa Rica. Lauren attends Grace Crossing Church, Beavercreek, OH.  Lauren's hobbies include volleyball, cheer leading, art, playing piano, and sports in general.  At Xenia Christian High School, Lauren is secretary for the school's chapter of the National Honor Society. At XCHS, Lauren has played volleyball for six years at Xenia Christian and has been on the cheer leading team for six years.

Lauren's favorite foods include peanut butter and ice cream. (I wonder how she feels about peanut butter flavored ice cream?) Her family includes Mom and Dad, an older brother and a younger brother.
During her interview, when Bridgett asked her what super power she would like to have, Lauren responded that she would want to be able to freeze time so that she could stop time and stay longer at places in life. If she were to be a cereal, she told Bridgett, she would be Fruit Loops because they are colorful and fun.

In the future, Lauren plans on attending college to possibly study nursing or art.  She would also like to incorporate into her future more trips to Costa Rica.

Our fearless leader, Camille Clements, comes from a family of teachers and felt the Lord calling her to teach even as a young person. She has been teaching at Xenia Christian High School for eighteen years. Before that, she spent two years as a missionary in Barcelona, Spain teaching at an international school. She has been going on ministry trips to various Spanish-speaking countries with Dayton Christian Schools since 2001.

In 2010, the opportunity presented itself to her and another trip leader to set up a new missions venue. Another co-worker, who had spent several years working in Costa Rica as a missionary, connected Miss Clements with the Salley family who serve as church planters in that Central American country. The Costa Rica Ministry trip came into being. At that time, Miss Clements was only planning on playing a support role, as a co-leader, but God had other plans. 

Miss Clements recalls, “I became the trip leader through a series of events that only the Lord could have orchestrated. I am generally a behind-the-scenes kind of person who enjoys serving and supporting, but the Lord wanted to grow and stretch me, which he has done by putting me in charge of this trip. I am always amazed that God continues to choose to use me and give me the opportunity to take part in overseas ministry. It is both humbling and exciting to be able to take young people on ministry trips and to see how God works in and through them to change lives and to draw people to himself.”

Beyond teaching and using the Spanish language, Miss Clements also enjoys reading, cooking, traveling, and participating in half marathons. If she were to have a super power, she would like to be able to transcend the limits of time and space.

Tia Reilly is a fifth-year teacher at Xenia Christian High School. In 2009, Tia moved back to Ohio with her family after serving overseas with the mission agency ABWE.  They first worked in Paraguay, South America, and then most recently, in Costa Rica for four years.  The opportunity to return to the ministry, culture, and language of “home” is also an opportunity to encourage young people in their current spiritual walk as well as a chance to share with them what life and ministry looks like outside of the United States.

Having lived there, Costa Rica is a special destination for a mission trip. Tia has also participated in missions trips to Chile, South America.  Retired Cedarville University professor Dr. Bev Monroe leads trips to English-speaking seminaries and Christian schools around the world in order to organize and digitally catalog their institute libraries.  

Married to Kevin Reilly, the couple has four children and two grandchildren. Tia’s other interests include reading and writing, piano and choir ministries, photography, and mindfulness. If she were to have a super power, she would like the ability to feel warm no matter where she lived or what the season.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

2015 Testimonial Bios

After her ministry trip last year to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, junior Bridgett Clough knew that she wanted to repeat the experience. "The kids are fun, and it is a good experience to help my groth in Christ.  I'm furthering the kingdom for God," she shared with Taylor Meade who interviewed her.  Bridgett is a junior at Xenia Christian High School and is sixteen years old.  She enjoys volleyball and knitting, and at school participates on the volleyball and tennis teams.  At her church, Bellbrook United Methodist Church, Bridgett is involved in the youth ministry and has helped with summer VBS programs and with the children's ministries on Sundays.  With her church, she attended a missions trip to minister in Chicago as well.

Bridgett's favorite foods include any and all fruits--"mostly everything," she states. She has one sibling--a brother Duncan who is in sixth grade; and the family has one pet, a dog, Sophie.

If she were to have a super power, Bridgett would want to fly! She needs to get to places more quickly. If she were to be a cereal, she thinks it would have to be Honey Bunches of Oats with extra clusters because clusters are the best part.

Seriously, in her future Bridgett looks to work with special charity causes and organizations.

The one new member on the Costa Rica team this year is junior Nicole Terrell.  While this is Nicole's first trip to Costa Rica, she has taken several others: twice with her church, Southgate Baptist, she has traveled to the Dominican Republic, as well as to seven different states for other mission work.

Nicole's interests include art, reading, horseback riding. At school, she participates in soccer, cheerleading, drama and musicals, and band. At church, Nicole helps with the children's ministry, and she also plays in the church band and sings in the youth group's praise team.
Nicole's family consists of her parents and three sisters, a cat, three toads, and a dog. Her favorite food is anything with cherries. If she were to have a super power, she would like to have the power to be a mermaid so that she could breathe and see under water. And if she were a cereal, it would have to be Captain Crunch.

Her reasons for coming along on the trip stems from the previous experiences and the desire to consistently be involved in missions. She believes that the Lord will have her work in the future as an oral surgeon with medical missions teams.

Our long-term veteran, Rachel Graver, is a senior at Xenia Christian this year and has participated in the Costa Rica and Nicaragua trips the previous two years. A valuable team player, Rachel shared that she desired to go again in that it is her last opportunity in high school to do so; her previous trips have been so special that she feels that she “belongs to Costa Rica.” She loves the country and she loves the kids!

Rachel attends Dayton Avenue Baptist Church. Her favorite food is strawberries and/or tacos. Her hobbies include soccer, art, fishing, and sports in general. She has been part of XCHS’s soccer team for all of her high school career. In the future, Rachel plans to attend Mount Vernon University where she hopes to play soccer and study graphic design. She hopes that the Lord will have in store for her many more missions trips in the future as well.

If she were to have a superpower, Rachel would want the power of transportation so she could travel instantly and disappear whenever she liked. If she were a cereal, she would be Fruity Pebbles, she told Lauren, who interviewed her.