Mariah Smart – Every time I come here to Costa Rica, I get a
better understanding of the culture, have more chances to build relationships,
and get a better understanding of what God wants for me.
Maria Howarah – This year in Costa Rica, I really enjoyed
teen camp. I was able to connect with kids my own age who are going through the
same things in life as I am. Another thing I like—as much as I love the work
during the day with kids and teens, I also really enjoy the team worship and meetings
in the evening. It’s great to study the Bible like this.
Katie Miller – One of my favorite things about this trip is
walking along, going door-to-door, to invite the kids to the VBS just before it
starts. I also appreciate the informal nature of the Bible schools—almost a
traveling VBS sometimes. We’ve had VBS in the parks and on a basketball court.
The focus isn’t so much on a big to-do, but rather on teaching the kids and
playing with them.
Andy Urschel – I feel blessed just that God has taken care
of us during the trip—where many things could go wrong but haven’t. I think one
of the neat things is with Pastor Manuel and Pastor Samuel—working with these
pastors is so similar even in a different country. It’s neat to see Christ work here and at home
in the same way – that’s almost a comfort zone in itself. Another
blessing is that I get to work on something that I have been
working on at home –relationships with people are more important than
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