Morgan Bryant
I am a Senior!!I’m not really sure what my plans are for next year but I am praying and seeking God’s guidance in making this decision.
I’m interested in this because I love to serve, and I love missions trips. The fact that I’m in Spanish 4 and Costa Rica is a Spanish speaking country definitely interests me. I’m excited that I may be able to communicate with people in their native language.
I’ve been on 2 other mission trips, one to Haiti when I was 11 and another one to Honduras when I was 14. These trips opened my eyes to see what suffering really looks like, especially in Haiti because it’s one of if not the most impoverished country in the western hemisphere. These trips softened my heart and grew in me a desire to serve others more.
I’m looking forward to helping the missionaries in whatever they have for me to do and also to communicate with native Spanish speakers. I am also looking forward to bonding with my classmates in Christ, as that is what I’ve heard happens every year.
I really enjoy playing sports, particularly volleyball and tennis. I also love hanging out with my friends and family but especially my dog scruffy.
If I were a superhero, I would be known for having the ability to refill things. This would be good for humanity because I could fill everyone’s drinks without anyone getting up, I could fill everyone’s plates with food asap, and I could do a bunch of other really cool stuff.
If I could encourage someone today I would smile at them and ask them questions about their life (and really be interested).
Renee Fear
I am a Junior!
I am interested in doing a short-term missions trip so that I can use some of the unique talents and gifts that God has given me to serve Him as I serve others.
I know that I will learn a lot on this trip, both about God and how he can use people to further His kingdom and also about the distinct culture of Costa Rica and how life there varies from life up here.
I am especially looking forward to getting to build friendships and have a lot of fun with kids.
I have taken dance for 14 years and I also teach dance. I also enjoy Cross Country, Track and Field, Swim, 4H, 4H Camp Counselor and art.
If I were a superhero, I would have the super power of teleportation so that if anyone ever forgets anything important, I could just teleport and get it quickly. Or I could even make my own version of teleportation Uber, make millions of dollars by getting people places instantaneously and then donate the money to a bunch of charities.
Take life one day at a time. If things are rough, think about your end goal or what you can do right now to make your future better rather than allowing yourself to fall into a hopeless mindset that things will never get better.
Elizabeth (Beth) Harmon
I am a Senior!!
I am planning to attend Cedarville University in the fall.
I've been interested in missions for many years, I think in this stage in life, short-term mission trips are a great way to get a taste of what missions are like.
I find the climate and culture of Costa Rica really interesting.
I have been to Bolivia twice, the first time I was part of a library organization project for the SIM mission house. The second time, my sister Sarah and I volunteered in an orphanage to help take care for the babies living there.
I am mostly looking forward to getting closer to the other team members while serving the people of Costa Rica.
I enjoy running, swimming and reading.
If I were a super, I would have the power to read minds.
I would encourage someone to trust God and love others.
Luke Neikirk
I am a Senior!!
I plan to major in Nursing at Cedarville University, and some day to work in EMS and Nursing.
I love short-term missions trips because they offer an opportunity to leave the daily routine of life and truly listen to and serve our Lord in a place that may not be comfortable. Costa Rica is Amazing! From the friendly people to the beautiful sights, God's creation is evident in Costa Rica. Churches and pastors are doing amazing work, and I love to be able to encourage them by serving along side of them for a short time.
I have been to Costa Rica twice with XC/LCA, and I have made and strengthened relationships with classmates that continue to pour into my life even after they have graduated. I have been to Memphis TN three times with my church to help with roofing in impoverished neighborhoods. These trips have given me an appreciation for everything I have and a desire to reach those without basic needs. Last July, I had the awesome opportunity to join a group of doctors and nurses in providing medical clinics to those in need in Costa Rica, bringing me to three total trips to Costa Rica!
I am super excited to get to know the other members of the team, but even more, I am looking forward to serving with the pastors and missionaries in Costa Rica that I have met on previous trips. They are always so welcoming and grateful for our help. I am excited to see new members of the team grow, and I hope I can encourage them as they serve in Costa Rica.
I love being outside. Just about anything done outside in God's creation is what I like to do, from hiking to camping to kayaking. I am very interested in emergency medicine, and I am an explorer with Xenia Township Fire Department, which means I am able to learn about the fire service attend trainings and help on fire scenes in Greene County.
If I were a superhero, I would be known for the ability to become any animal. I could fight bad guys by switching between a tiny fly and a massive hippo to defeat them. I could sneak into anywhere as a small animal, but I could break through anything as a big one.
I would tell someone to live each day with purpose. God did not create the world then sit back to watch it fall apart. He is at work every moment to bring His children to Himself,
and we have a unique role as we fight against evil with the Creator of the universe behind and before us. This mindset should give us courage to stand firm in our faith but humility to know that we serve the God of all. Meekness is defined as quiet strength, and I think this word should describe each on of us in our walk with Christ.
I plan to major in Nursing at Cedarville University, and some day to work in EMS and Nursing.
I love short-term missions trips because they offer an opportunity to leave the daily routine of life and truly listen to and serve our Lord in a place that may not be comfortable. Costa Rica is Amazing! From the friendly people to the beautiful sights, God's creation is evident in Costa Rica. Churches and pastors are doing amazing work, and I love to be able to encourage them by serving along side of them for a short time.
I have been to Costa Rica twice with XC/LCA, and I have made and strengthened relationships with classmates that continue to pour into my life even after they have graduated. I have been to Memphis TN three times with my church to help with roofing in impoverished neighborhoods. These trips have given me an appreciation for everything I have and a desire to reach those without basic needs. Last July, I had the awesome opportunity to join a group of doctors and nurses in providing medical clinics to those in need in Costa Rica, bringing me to three total trips to Costa Rica!
I am super excited to get to know the other members of the team, but even more, I am looking forward to serving with the pastors and missionaries in Costa Rica that I have met on previous trips. They are always so welcoming and grateful for our help. I am excited to see new members of the team grow, and I hope I can encourage them as they serve in Costa Rica.
I love being outside. Just about anything done outside in God's creation is what I like to do, from hiking to camping to kayaking. I am very interested in emergency medicine, and I am an explorer with Xenia Township Fire Department, which means I am able to learn about the fire service attend trainings and help on fire scenes in Greene County.
If I were a superhero, I would be known for the ability to become any animal. I could fight bad guys by switching between a tiny fly and a massive hippo to defeat them. I could sneak into anywhere as a small animal, but I could break through anything as a big one.
I would tell someone to live each day with purpose. God did not create the world then sit back to watch it fall apart. He is at work every moment to bring His children to Himself,
and we have a unique role as we fight against evil with the Creator of the universe behind and before us. This mindset should give us courage to stand firm in our faith but humility to know that we serve the God of all. Meekness is defined as quiet strength, and I think this word should describe each on of us in our walk with Christ.
Lyndsey Phillips
I plan to attend Cedarville University in the fall to major in theatre and minor in psychology.
I love short term missions because I love sharing Christ with others. Joy, is the only way I can think to describe the feeling of seeing kids stand to accept Christ as their Savior. I love Costa Rica and can't wait to return.
I have been to Ghana & Togo West Africa and Guatemala as well as being a part of last years team to Costa Rica. All of these trips have left me wanting more, my heart is so full of joy while I am on the mission field. Each of these trips have made me realize the simple joys in life and I appreciate them much more than I did in the past.
I'm looking forward to sharing this trip with my dad, the first thing I thought last year was, "Wow, I wish my dad were here to see this!" and this year he gets to see it.
I am very involved with theatre and performing and I take dance and voice lessons at the Ohio Performing Arts Institute. Unfortunately, I won't be able to be in the school musical this year as I will be playing the lead role in the "Pied Piper of Hamelin" at OPAI. I am also having a small part in the musical anything goes which is also at OPAI. Outside of performing, I love listening to music, eating food and sleeping.
If I were a superhero, I would be known for the ability to make everyone who is sad or upset laugh! (Despite my jokes being lame)
My favorite form of encouragement is telling others not to give up. If you have a dream, chase it. Don't let what others say hold you back. If you get knocked down, get back up. You always have God to turn to. This life isn't easy but it would be a whole lot worse without encouragement.
Anne Kensinger

I plan to attend Wright State University to become a Regsiterd Nurse, hopefully to work with children who have cancer.
I love working with kids and would like to share the Gospel with them. I have always wanted to go on mission trip and ever since last year I have wanted to go back to Costa Rica.
I went to Costa Rica last year. The ticos' never ending love and joy impacted me the most.
I hope to grow closer to my team and also to those we are ministering to in Costa Rica. I also am looking forward to share what God has been doing in my life with the ticos.
I enjoy playing volleyball, basketball and softball. I like to hang out with friends and family and I like being outside in the sun.
I have always wanted to fly so I can rescue people from danger.
I would say that God loves them and if they are a girl I would tell them that they look beautiful.
I would say that God loves them and if they are a girl I would tell them that they look beautiful.
Abigail Thigpen
I am a Junior!
I want to see if God might be calling me to the mission field, and I want to step out in faith to serve and love others in Costa Rica while I experience a new culture.
I have been to Memphis, TN twice helping roof houses. I learned that God can work through you even when you are weak.
I am looking forward to serving God in a different culture.
I enjoy reading and painting.
I would have the power to always be able to say the right thing at the right time so that I would be able to minister to others better and lead them to Christ.
No matter where you are, what you do, or what you go through, God is always there with you and He will never let you down.
Clint Brads
I am a Junior!
I am interested in doing short term missions because it is a great way to help spread the gospel in this time of my life. I want to find ways to spread the love of God and this is a great opportunity. My only special interest in Costa Rica is that I went there last year on the school missions trip.
I went on the school missions trip last year as well. It changed my perspective on my life back at home. It helped me to realize just how blessed I am and how much I have to be thankful about.
On this trip I am looking forward to having opportunities to spread the love of God to the people of Costa Rica. I want to show other people the love of God and I think I will find out more about it for myself along the way.
I enjoy reading (especially fantasy). I play basketball and soccer and do stage crew for the musicals. I also enjoy playing the cello in the school orchestra and bass guitar in the praise band. I like to listen to music and to sing. My favorite thing to do is spend time with my friends.
If I were a super hero, I would have the power to heal. I think the power to heal would be a good way to reach out to the lost and show them the love of God and witness to them.
I would say to keep on pushing when it gets tough. God is still there.
Deborah Kuruvilla
I am a Junior!
Costa Rica has a special place in my heart as I have family members from there. Also, I love the Spanish language and want to teach English in a Spanish-speaking country as an adult, so the prospect of being completely surrounded by Spanish excites me and makes me even more eager to go to Costa Rica.
This is my first mission trip, but I am excited to see how God can magnify my little talents to make a bigger impact.
I am looking forward to making new friends, speaking Spanish, and growing closer to God and my team as we see Him work through us.
This is my first mission trip, but I am excited to see how God can magnify my little talents to make a bigger impact.
I am looking forward to making new friends, speaking Spanish, and growing closer to God and my team as we see Him work through us.
I enjoy reading, writing, making new friends, and traveling.
If I had a superpower, I’d want it to be the ability to speak every language so that I could unite people of all backgrounds & create a diverse network of friends.
You’re going to have plenty of great friends who stick with you throughout your life. Make sure Jesus is one of them! He truly cares about you, and even the little things that you think only matter to you are important to Him.
Rachel Walquist

I am a junior!
I have heard from others, who have been to Costa Rica, how God used them for His purposes, and I am excited to see how God uses me on this trip. Also, I am excited to work with the Costa Rican children and to get out of my comfort zone.
I went on a short-term mission trip to Memphis, Tennessee. This trip gave me a love for serving others and a desire to spread Jesus’s love with more people.
I am looking forward to spreading the Gospel and working with children. Also, I am looking forward to growing closer with my other team members.
I enjoy running, swimming, arts and crafts, reading, and hanging out with friends.
I would be able to fly and get everywhere quickly so that I can be there whenever someone needs help.
Everywhere you go and in everything you do, God will always be with you, no matter what.
Matt Sullivan
I am a Senior!!
I am either going to attend WSU or CU in the fall and major in education, of sorts.
Previous trips have blessed me beyond words and I love making an impact on the world (the people)that God has entrusted to me.
I have been to Costa Rica two other times and once to Peru with my church. I have become more aware of our world and have an appreciation for what I have.
I am looking forward to being able to communicate with the kids even better and to see how the Lord's going to use the team and myself.
I really enjoy being around people for any reason..... also sporting events and school.
My power would be the ability to read peoples minds. I give the gospel that way
I would let them know that they are incredibly loved and they are worth dying for,
Josh Combs
I am a senior!!
My plans for college and the future are somewhat unknown, but I do hope to pursue a career in Film/Video media.
I am interested in doing this short term missions trip because I want to serve God by serving other people and I want to be a part of a mission to spread the gospel to those who may not have heard it.
Costa Rica interests me because it is a country that I have never been to.
I have not been on any other missions trips, this is my first one.
I am looking forward to growing closer to God and other people. I am also looking forward to experiencing a different culture as well as serving other people.
My hobbies are playing Golf, Bowling, Reading, and playing guitar. I am also a movie lover and a consumer of all things fantasy or sci-fi.
If I was a super hero my powers would be the same as Spider-Man's. Spider-man is my favorite super hero, I think because no one would guess that Peter Parker is an awesome super hero who is going out and helping people. Spider-Man does these things not for himself but for others. It reminds me of the bible verse that says do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. I really relate to this and I would use these powers to try to do the same
I would say to someone who needs to be encouraged, Jesus loves them and he is with them through everything they are going through.
Ethan Croucher
I am a Senior!!I am planning to major in mechanical engineering at Wright State University.
The Costa Rica Missions trip interests me because it allows me to use my talents and knowledge to share Christ's love with people in another country.
I went on this trip last year and it is my only missionary experience. It broadened my view of the world, culture, nature, and how God uses all of them to reflect His own glory. It made me realize how small I am as a person, but through Christ and through the church I can be a part of God’s plan for the world.
I am looking forward to building relationships with kids from another country and with my teammates who I know, but never get to hang out with at school.
I love listening to and playing worship music, math, sports, and spending time with friends.
I would be known for having a lunchbox with infinite snacks and food that I would share with all the people of the city, because I wouldn't be hungry enough to eat them myself.
God is in control of all things, and He has our absolute best interest in mind. He loves us and He gives us each day that we have. He is with us even though we can’t see Him. There is nothing you could possibly do to keep Him away from you.
Ellie McClain
I am a Senior!!
I am going to Cedarville University for Business Management.
I’ve never done anything resembling a trip like this, and I want to use this trip to focus on ministry.
I’m looking forward to my understanding of the Gospel being challenged as I have to prepare to share the Gospel in my own words. I’m also looking forward to getting closer with my teammates.
I like to play the piano, sing, eat, and spend time with friends.
If I were a superhero, I would be known for subtle mind control through words. I would boost people’s confidence, get them excited about things and help calm their worries.
You can’t do everything by yourself. As humans, we tend to want to be able to do things by ourselves, but we are so dependent on God. Everything we do is something that God has allowed us to do, and wants to help us through. Don’t fight for your independence, instead give everything to the Lord and have peace knowing that you’re not going through life alone.
Robin Wharton
I am a Senior!!
Next year I will be studying aviation with a commercial/corporate concentration at Liberty University.
I am interested in going to Costa Rica, because I went two years ago and I fell in love with the country and the people. I love sharing God’s word with them.
I went to Costa Rica two years ago and it completely changed me. I have a whole new perspective on life and I love the people of Costa Rica now. I can’t wait to go back.
I am looking forward to bonding with my team, growing closer to God, and sharing God’s love with others.
I love flying airplanes ( I’m a pilot), playing volleyball, playing guitar, and making art.
If I were a super hero, I would probably want the ability to fly.
Whenever you feel like everything is going wrong, pray. God’s love and peace is so overwhelming that you’ll be overcome with joy.
Sarah Harmon
I am a Junior!
I am interested in going on a short-term mission trip, because I have gone on one before, and it was the best experience of my life. I Just recently learned that life is not about me. Most importantly, it is about glorifying God in all I do. I can do that by serving others.
While in Costa Rica, I am looking forward to serving in any way I can. I am mostly excited about helping with the kids at the VBS and sharing the gospel with them.
This past summer I went on a mission trip to Bolivia. I was there for roughly ten days helping and serving in an orphanage. I really had no idea before I went what it would be like. It definitely was not easy at times, but something about being there for others and not for me opened my eyes in various ways.
On this trip, I am mostly looking forward to helping with the children at the VBS. Also, I am excited to experience talking in Spanish as well as growing close with the team.
My hobbies mostly include sports. I do cross country, swim, track, and have done soccer most of my life. When I am not doing sports, I enjoy playing the piano and spending time with my friends.
To be able to go back in time and/or to go into the future.
Nothing in this world can satisfy us other than Jesus Christ. I know by experience that it is easy to try to have things of this world to fill us up when we are empty. These things do not last long and eventually you just want more and more. However, if you look towards God to satisfy the desires of your heart and mind, you will find true joy.
Tabitha Moser
I am a Senior!!I plan to attend Liberty University and major in nursing.
I am interested in doing short term missions because I think they are a great way to impact a culture for Christ.
I want to go to Costa Rica because I love the people who live there and the culture of their beautiful country.
I went on this trip last year and during the time we were in Costa Rica, I fell in love with those who live there. I have been dying to go back and serve them again ever since I left.
I am looking forward to working with the Ticos and sharing the love of Christ with them alongside the other members of the team.
I love to play basketball and soccer. If I am not doing sports or hanging out with friends, I am normally at home watching a movie or sleeping.
I would have the power of healing so that no one would ever have to be sick or in pain.
Nothing you could ever do will make Jesus love you less. He forgives you and He loves you. Turn it all over to Him and I promise you’ll never experience anything better than
His love.
Riley Zulfer
I am a Senior!!Next year, I plan on going to the University of Cincinnati and majoring in biology.
I want to do a short term mission trip to plant seeds. Although I will not be able to see what our team has accomplished in the long run, I know that we will have at least helped to start something wonderful.
Costa Rica is a beautiful country, and, as a soon to be biology major, Costa Rica’s amazing diversity of plants and animals interests me greatly.
This is my first mission trip.
I am looking forward to growing closer to God and my team on this trip, while also spreading the Gospel to the kids. I am very excited to work with little kids and help them know God.
I love to sing, act, and dance. The highlight of my week is going to church on Sunday and looking after the little children in the nursery. I also volunteer on Sundays at a local zoo.
If I were a superhero, I would love to have the power to control time. Everyone says that there is never enough hours in the day and I agree.
My go-to phrase for myself during stressful situations is “God knows what will happen; what will happen, will happen.” To some people, this may not be very helpful, but thinking this way helps me realize that God loves us, and everything He does has a purpose. The hard times help us learn and grow later down the road.
Drew Brads
I am planning to go to Cedarville for mechanical
engineering. Short term mission trips are just one of the ways that we can respond to the great commission while in high school.
I know that our team can have a great impact in Costa
Rica with the guidance of the full-time missionaries who are already there.
Costa Rica interests me particularly because of the
I have been on the Costa Rica trip before, I also volunteer for a week or two at the Joni & Friends Family Retreat every summer. This camp is specifically designed for children and adults affected by disabilities, and it is always an eye-opening experience. The faith of those who run and attend the camp is astounding and inspiring.
On this trip I look forward to doing much of the same work that I did last year, but this
time with some prior experience under my belt. I'm excited to lead some VBS lessons and
general openness to the gospel that is found there.
Schools and communities are usually glad to see God's
word taught. Also I really enjoy being in a Spanish
speaking country.
I have been on the Costa Rica trip before, I also volunteer for a week or two at the Joni & Friends Family Retreat every summer. This camp is specifically designed for children and adults affected by disabilities, and it is always an eye-opening experience. The faith of those who run and attend the camp is astounding and inspiring.
time with some prior experience under my belt. I'm excited to lead some VBS lessons and
teach the message of the gospel directly to people in Costa Rica. I am also looking
forward to seeing the missionaries that I met last year.
I love basketball, weightlifting, reading, and playing music. Most of all I enjoy
solving Rubik's cubes. I am planning to stay in Costa Rica a few extra days, as I was invited by a missionary family to attend a Costa Rican Rubik's cube tournament.
I would be able to run super fast and jump super high. I guess I would use it to save people from burning buildings, while Luke yells at me about how I'm not performing
the correct procedure.
I would say that you have a purpose and value in Christ Jesus. Nothing and no one thing
can take that away from one of God's children.
Middle & High School Art Teacher at LCA.
Married to Dan MacDougall, we have one Golden Retriever named Copper, and are fostering a 4 Paws for Ability dog named Hufflepuff.
I am a huge believer in the power of missions. I think we should have a missions mindset in everything we do. If this is something that doesn’t come naturally, then the best way to stretch yourself to foster that mindset is to take advantage of the opportunities to go on the field whenever God gives them to you. I think that the benefits of serving in another country, in a totally different culture to your own, are so exciting. I believe God uses these trips to not only serve and impact the people we encounter, but even to soften our own hearts and teach us about our own shortcomings, and ultimately God’s abounding grace and love. I’ve been to a lot of countries and experienced many different cultures, but never any in South America. I am looking forward to learning about the people of Costa Rica and gaining a new appreciation for God’s incredible creations. I am excited to serve God in whatever way He wishes!
In the summer of 2015, my husband Dan and I led a mission’s trip through Cedarville University to Antalya, Turkey. With 4 Cedarville students, we served as camp counselors at a Bible camp on the coast of the Mediterranean. It was the first mission’s trip I had ever been on, and it impacted my life hugely. God used that trip to develop a heart for missions in me, and I learned to love a culture and people that I had never encountered before. God used that trip to teach me to love and reach Muslims as well as other groups of people who were from all kinds of walks of life. We also had the opportunity to visit ancient Ephesus, and that brought the Bible to life for me in a way I had never experienced before. It was amazing.
I am looking forward to watching and helping our LCA students serve the Lord! I am looking forward to see what God is doing in the lives of the people of Costa Rica, and being a part of that. I’m thankful for the opportunity to get to know some of our students even better, and to grow in my relationship with Christ even deeper.
I enjoy art of all kinds, especially stained glass. I love reading and Zumba. Danny and I enjoy flipping houses/home improvement and decorating together. I love spending time with my family and I LOVE to travel.
If I were a superhero, I would want to have the ability to fly; I just can’t imagine anything more thrilling!
If you desire to learn more about yourself and to become more Christ-like, get out of your comfort zone, and serve people with your gifts! God will bless you through your service, and you can do this wherever God has placed you!
I am a huge believer in the power of missions. I think we should have a missions mindset in everything we do. If this is something that doesn’t come naturally, then the best way to stretch yourself to foster that mindset is to take advantage of the opportunities to go on the field whenever God gives them to you. I think that the benefits of serving in another country, in a totally different culture to your own, are so exciting. I believe God uses these trips to not only serve and impact the people we encounter, but even to soften our own hearts and teach us about our own shortcomings, and ultimately God’s abounding grace and love. I’ve been to a lot of countries and experienced many different cultures, but never any in South America. I am looking forward to learning about the people of Costa Rica and gaining a new appreciation for God’s incredible creations. I am excited to serve God in whatever way He wishes!
Camille Clements
Gary Phillips
Married to Kelly Phillips, I am father of Current LCA student Lyndsey Phillips and XCHS graduates Cole, Taylor and Morgan Phillips. I have had students at LCA/XCHS for more than 20 years. I am also an alumni from the class of 1983.
This will be my fourth missions trip with LCA and my seventh trip overall. I have had the privilege of going to France, Jamaica, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Guatemala and impoverished parts of Kentucky. I love involving my family in my missions trips and have had al least one other family member with me on all but two trips. I love people and I love experiencing new places and cultures, doing mission trips has not only allowed me to experience these things but it has given me many opportunities to see God at work in and through my life. My faith has grown immensely as a result. Not only has my own faith grown but having involved my family in many of these trips I have been able to watch them grow in their faith and their personal walk with God as well. I am looking forward to whatever God has in store for us on this trip to Costa Rica.
I hold a Master Electrician license and I have worked at Cedarville University as a maintenance electrician for the past two years. I also have a degree in Commercial Photography and worked as a commercial photographer for six years prior to Cedarville University. I am also a current Cedarville University student and I am studying journalism. My future plans, if God allows, is to retire and travel to different missionary locations spending 3 to 6 months where they are living and working. Using my photo. video and journalism skills, I hope to tell their stories so that other can know what God is doing through their work.