Monday, February 27, 2017

Urgent Prayer Request

We need to be praying for the Griffith family.  Rachel posted this this evening (2/27/2017)

Rachel Griffith
Hey everyone, my family is really in need of prayers right now. Last night, my mom received MRI results saying that she had a large tumor in her brain. She is currently in the hospital awaiting a biopsy and most likely surgery. As such, she will not be going to Costa Rica with my school team, and will be in the hospital for a fair amount of time. We are asking for your prayers, and we are confident that God has a Plan. He has done amazing things and He is an amazing God ❤️

Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 CR Team Member Bios -- Part 4 of 5

Every year the XCHS/LCA Costa Rica ministry team brings another collection of servant hearts ready to share with others what they have learned in their walk with God.  In the upcoming blogposts, we will introduce to you the mosaic of hearts and souls enthusiastic to work together on this March mission.

Sophomore Clint Brads joins our team for the first time this year. Clint’s desire to serve others and spread the gospel in the Lord’s name spurred him on to apply for the trip. As he states, “We are called to make disciples and this is an opportunity to do just that.  I am also hoping that through serving others I will learn more about myself and about God.” Clint also had heard much about the trip from his sister Murrin who had gone several years and claimed it to be “an amazing experience.”

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoorOther mission trips which Clint has attended primarily include Joni and Friends family retreats. Seven times he has participated in this week-long camp experience where peopled affected by disabilities come with their families. The families get to relax and have fun while those serving help to care for those with disabilities. “Serving at this camp,” Clint states, “has taught me how to put others in front of myself and look to their interests first.”

On this trip to Costa Rica, Clint looks forward to playing with and getting to know the kids in Costa Rica. He looks to build relationships. Furthermore, he looks forward to experiencing a foreign culture for the first time. Also, he shares, “I am excited to go and see how the Lord works through our team.” 

Clint’s hobbies include reading all types of books—but fiction is his favorite. He plays the cello, the string bass, the bass guitar, and he loves to sing.  He also enjoys playing soccer and basketball—and generally all sports.  He has played for several school teams.  If he were a superhero, Clint would like to have the power of teleportation. That way he could take food, water, and medical supplies to third-world countries. “I would try to spread the gospel to those I helped,” he adds.

To encourage others, Clint reminds that each person is unique and created in God’s image. No matter what other people think, he shares, God loves each of us and thinks we are worth dying for. He also encourages each individual “to stand up for what is right even when no one else will.”

Image result for denise griffith ohioOur team is excited this year to have a mother join the chaperone crew.  Denise Griffith, parent to Rachel, will come along in order to use her medical training as a physician. “Using my medical training to help others in another country is exciting,” she shares. “I work with underserved here in the United States, but I know the needs and resources will be different in Costa Rica. And of course the opportunity to go with my daughter is wonderful!”  She also looks forward to using her medical skills while also sharing Christ’s message of love and salvation.

When in college, Denise took her first missions trip inner-city New York City, and “it was eye opening.”  At the time, she had no idea that working with the underserved was in her future, but even so, “it was so valuable to see first-hand their struggles and their faith.” 
Denise’s hobbies include playing the piano, reading, walking for exercise, and spending time with her family.  As her husband is the pastor of a church, being a pastor’s wife occupies much of her life and ministry as well. 

When asked what super power she would prefer if she were a superhero, Denise replied, “Does being able to cry with others in their joy and pain count? Just kidding, but my family likes to tease me about it. Prayer is my superpower and I use it often throughout the day for my family, friends, and patients. It makes all the difference!”  She reminds all of us that God is good.  “No matter what happens,” she states, “He carries you through it and draws you nearer to Him.”

One of our juniors on the team and another first-timer, Tabitha Moser became interested in the trip after hearing from others what an amazing experience short-term mission trips can be (specifically the Costa Rica trip).  She looks forward to having the opportunity to share God's love with others.

In that our team works a lot with children’s Bible clubs, Tabby looks forward to teaching younger kids God. Our trip this year also includes medical outreach, and she wants to work in the medical clinics as well.  

Basically, Tabby looks forward to working and doing everything with the team. 

Tabby’s hobbies include sports—particularly, she enjoys soccer, basketball, and softball.  At Legacy Christian Academy, she has participated in several sports teams over the years. “And if I'm not busy with school or sports,” she shares, “I enjoy reading and hanging out with my friends.”

If she were a superhero, Tabitha would like be known for super strength so that she could save people from crashes, falling buildings, or rock slides.

In real life, she would encourage others by telling them that in order to accomplish your goals and dreams, “keep working. With God, anything is possible.”

Senior Garrett Rowland has always wanted to participate in missions work, and yet not had the chance to do so before. So when the opportunity to minister in Costa Rica presented itself, he could not wait to go.  “I love the idea of going to Costa Rica—the culture is amazing and I am so excited.” 

Garret looks forward to working with his fellow students to share the gospel. He also is “excited to be thrown into a different environment and have [his] comfort zone extended.”

After graduation from LCA this year, Garrett plans to attend either Wright State University or Grove City College after graduation.  Garret’s hobbies include “messing” with computers and utilizing technology (his favorite!).  Furthermore, when asked what super power he would like to have if he were a superhero, he would like to have the ability to hack anything he needed to.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smilingGarrett puts his technological skills to use at school running the sound board for chapel. And he also loves playing guitar. 

Garrett reminds us that even when things get thrown at us that we are not expecting, we need to “keep on keeping on, and persevere. God has a plan for us, even when we don’t realize it.”


“I have developed a deep respect for the team of LCA leaders and students that are a part of the Costa Rica trip and want you to know they represent LCA extremely well, shares Brian Ray, our veteran chaperon, the guys’ leader on the 2016 trip. Brian works as the Development and Outreach for the Pregnancy Resource Clinic of Clark County. He has been married to Shari for 32 years; Shari works at Cedarville University as Staff Accountant. Brian and Shari have four children, and as of December, Brian also has grandpa bragging rights as his daughter Krista and her husband Miles McGee welcomed Ethan into the Ray clan. Brian’s other children include Meagan (a registrar and ESL teacher in Indiana, Lindsey (married to Adam Brown and living in Florida), and B.J. Ray, a videographer, also living in Florida.

As for his short-term plans in life, he plans to purchase green coffee beans in Costa Rica.  And his long-range plans including roasting, sharing, and enjoying aforementioned coffee.
Brian’s interest in this mission trip with Legacy Christian Academy is a direct result of last year’s trip experience with another school--Xenia Christian School. (Ha, ha, Brian. LOL and all that.)
Here are Brian’s top memories and attractions of Costa Rica:
  • Friends met in Costa Rica (the Salley Family, Sam and Rebecca Vargas, Luisca, Mau, Gabrielle, and more)
  •  Good times with LCA Students and staff (Matt, Luke, Tyler, Rachel, Tia and Camille)
  • The passion of the CR people for evangelism and opportunity which is a positive influence on our LCA students
  •  The expected impact of the trip on LCA students (as it was on XCS students in 2016 :)
  • The people, the children, language, culture and incredible beauty of Costa Rica
  • The beaches (I won’t visit), the volcanoes (I might visit), and the coffee (I’ll bring home).
Brian’s first mission trip was to inner-city Cleveland, OH, when he was fifteen years old (like twenty years ago, he says J). A few years later he went to Del Ray Beach, FL, and a few years after that to West Palm Beach, FL. Since those trips, it was not until last year that he again explored short-term missions.   

“People don’t care what you know until they know you care,” Brian shares. “I’m thrilled for another opportunity to participate in taking teenagers out of their comfort zone, equipping them to serve others, and watching them exercise spiritually. These experiences usually result in maturity as students express themselves and grow their understanding of the world and relevance of their faith. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? Today, I have the privilege of working in ministry and trace my passion back to such experiences.”

On this particular trip, Brian looks forward to watching our young people grow as they serve and overcome challenges. He loves getting to know the students and interacting with and encouraging them.  He also looks to reconnect with friends made in Costa Rica as well as to making new friendships.  As he mentions, even we leaders as adults deepen our own walks with Christ.  And there is always the unknown adventure, the fresh fruit, the tastes, sounds, smells, and sights of Costa Rica.  And, of course, the coffee!

Brian’s hobbies include anything that constitutes a challenge.  He enjoys home improvement projects and despise paying for something I can learn to do myself.  He also likes golf, fishing, and gardening. When asked what super hero power he would like to have, Brian replied, “My imagination of my ‘super hero power’ has grown from putting people at ease so they transparently share their heart to combine with my uncanny ability to communicate truth to be so influential, it causes them to desire and embrace positive change in their life.” (Wow! That’s a power all right.)

Specifically—and on the very real-life side of the matter, Brian goes on, “We have such different needs at different times in our lives … I would hope to discerningly speak truth according to they were ready to hear with grace and love. They might just need someone to listen; in which case I would merely want to be a listener and let them know that I cared.”

Another new sophomore on the team, David Rose, choose to participate in this ministry trip in order to reach the people of Costa Rica for Christ, and to make new friends. “I have always had a heart for missions,” he shares, “and can’t wait to go back to Costa Rica.”  David went years before on a mission trip to Costa Rica.  On that trip, he learned to be more compassionate and loving to all people, especially to those less fortunate than he.

On this particular trip, David looks forward to see how God moves in people’s lives. He looks forward to making new relationships with people he meets and to strengthen his relationships with the people he already knows.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, beard and sunglasses
David’s interests include playing tennis and hanging out with his friends.  If he were to have a super power, “it would have to be super speed,” he shares.  

David reminds the readers that we are all created in God’s image.  Each person is “very special and awesome.”

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2017 CR Team Member Bios -- Part 3 of 5

Every year the XCHS/LCA Costa Rica ministry team brings another collection of servant hearts ready to share with others what they have learned in their walk with God.  In the upcoming blogposts, we will introduce to you the mosaic of hearts and souls enthusiastic to work together on this March mission. 

One of our new team members, sophomore Rylanne Burdette has always had a passion for working with children, and this short-term ministry offers her the opportunity to spread love to children and build relationships with them. Having the chance to minister in another culture also piques her interest. Already she has enjoyed reading and learning about Costa Rica and its people and culture.

Rylanne looks forward to building relationships with the people with whom we will spend time.  Because of her passion for children, she is particularly looking forward to building friendships with the children with whom we minister in Bible clubs.

At LCA, Rylanne invests time and energy as a varsity cheerleader and also helping with stage crew for the production of The Wizard of Oz.  Rylanne’s other hobbies include reading, writing, and singing.  If she were to have a superpower, Rylanne would like to have a photographic memory.  That way, after she read or saw anything—even if only once—she would remember it forever and for anytime—including sharing Bible verses in order to share the gospel.
To encourage, Rylanne reminds each of us, “You are amazing, you are brave, you are strong.”  “Insecurity,” she says, “is a part of today’s world. And encouragement can really life one’s spirits.

As a senior, Austin Frueh, plans to attend Wright State University to study mechanical engineering after graduating this year. He chose to join this Costa Rica trip because he has gone on other trips before and truly been blessed. He also has heard that Costa Rica is beautiful. Austin thoroughly enjoys serving others and working hard. “And everything is always better when you have a great team like I do.” Furthermore, Austin looks forward to being able to put his classroom Spanish to use in ministering to others.

Two summers ago, Austin had the opportunity to travel with his church to El Salvador. He appreciated the relationships he built and the memories made. It also sparked the interest to study the Spanish language to use in real life. He looks forward to be able to use what he has learned in language to serve the people and show God’s love and message of salvation. “It would be so cool,” Austin shares, “to see kids come to Christ through our ministry.”

Austin’s hobbies include soccer, baseball, and basketball. He loves spending time with his friends, being outside, and seeing God’s creation. He shares that if he were a superhero, he would love to be known for having a super mind that solves problems and conflicts in an instant.

In encouraging others, Austin would do so with the words that he himself often needs to hear.  “God’s forgiveness,” he says, “is greater than anything you can do against Him. He will never give up on you but will be there to help you when you fall.”

Senior and trip veteran Rachel Griffith plans to attend, after graduation, Indiana Wesleyan University with a major in English and a minor in Spanish.  Her experience on the trip last year was “mind-blowing,” and she is eager to return.  “The love of the ticos and the acceptance that they had for us reflected the love of Jesus and calmed many fears about culture shock and new surroundings.”  That experience last year forced “me to reflect on my life and the things that I take for granted. The trip showed me God’s providence even in crazy situations.”

This year, Rachel looks forward to revisiting her tico friends that she made last year—AND making new friends this year.  She eagerly awaits reliving the mission experience—especially since this year—with her mother along.  Mrs. Griffith, a medical doctor, will be assisting our team with the medical outreach ministry.

Rachel’s hobbies include writing, reading, and drawing.  She also enjoys watching Netflix and spending time with friends.  If she were a superhero, she would like to be Batman because “not only does he help people as Batman, but also as Bruce Wayne. He gives to others with this wealth and his knowledge works to make life for others better.”

Rachel leaves the readers with a quote from author Earnest Hemingway: “True courage is grace when under fire.”

Junior Anne Kensinger looks forward to this her first mission trip. In particular, her reason for choosing this particular opportunity to join the Costa Rica team is because she wants to share the gospel. She has seen pictures from previous ministry trips and it inspire her to share her own faith story. Furthermore, she looks forward to helping with the medical outreach clinics and meeting and helping children.

Anne enjoys participating in athletics and has been part of several school teams: cross country, volleyball, basketball, track, and softball. She also loves spending time with friends, and in her family of eleven(!) family time is special (Anne is in the exact middle of 9 siblings). When asked what super power she would want to have as a superhero, she would want to fly, just because “I would love to fly.”

Anne would like readers to remember that God made each of us just the way he wanted to. “You are beautiful for you are made in His image. No words or thoughts could take that away.”

Another of our new team members, senior, Ariana Nelson, plans to study nursing at Cedarville University.  In considering this opportunity to minister on a short-term ministry trip, Ariana wanted to see people come to know the Lord. She wants to be part of the “Lord’s team and see the ways that He will work when we depend on Him.”

In that this is her first mission trip, Ariana looks forward to going to a new place to meet new people and learn about their culture. She wants to make new friends and see God’s hand at word.  (She will.) 

Ariana enjoys playing sports, running, singing, and cooking and baking. If she were to have a superpower, she would like to have the ability to memorize anything. With that power “I old memorize the entire Bible and be able to share the gospel or any specific verse with any person at any time.”

Ariana encourages those going through hard times to remember to look for the bright side of situations.  “Always count your blessings and especially thank the Lord for being with you.  You probably have a lot more blessings than you realize.”

One of our veteran team members, LCA Junior Matt Sullivan has missions in his heart! He loves to serve others and show people—specifically children—God’s perfect love. Ever since he went on the trip last year, his goal has been to return. “Costa Rica,” he shares, “impacted my life. Seeing the love and community of the ticos was amazing to me.” (Tico” is the nickname for Costa Ricans.)
Besides having gone with Xenia Christian (LCA) last year to Costa Rica, Matt has also gone to Chicago with his eighth grade class. These mission trips have inspired Matt to love people he had never considered loving before:  all the world needs God’s love through each of us—not just our friends and family. On this trip, Matt looks forward to developing my Spanish language skills even more this time. He also prays to grow his love for the ticos even more.

Matt’s hobbies include reading, watching “Shark Tank,” but mostly he loves attending LCA sports games. He loves cheering on his classmates.  “If I were ascribed a super power,” Matt shares, “I believe people would describe me with the power to make people cheerful when they are down.”  (This writer verifies this as quite true in her opinion.)

To encourage others, Matt tells each of us to “hold on to God.”  God cares for each and of us and loves us; there is peace in Him.  “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1